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Personal profile and career information


  • Team of sea current measurements. The CTD is going to be lowered.

1/10/2006: Full Professor of Hydraulics at Department of Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Chemistry of the Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy).

6/6/2006: Passed selection exam for full professor of Hydraulics, University of Cagliari.
10/1/2001: Associate professor of Hydraulics, teaching Hydraulic-related subjects for degree courses in Environmental and Territorial Engineering at the 2nd Faculty of Engineering (Taranto), Bari Technical University.

1st session 2000: Passed selection exam for associate professor of Hydraulics, University of Salerno.

1/11/1999: Researcher in Hydraulics at the 2nd Faculty of Engineering (Taranto), Bari Technical University.
13/10/1999: First place in evaluation interview for the post of university researcher at the 2nd Faculty of Engineering (Taranto), Polytechnic University of Bari, for Hydraulics.
3/5/1999: First place with final mark of 100/100 in public exam for 5 scholarship places for graduates offered by the Region of Apulia, Public Works Department - Natural Resources Sector - Office for the Protection of Local Territory (published in B.U.R.P. no. 53, 7/5/1997).
20/10/1997: Biennial fellowship for post-doctoral research in the scientific discipline of Hydraulics, Department of Water Engineering, Bari Technical University.
28/11/1996: Completed his PhD defending the thesis on "Non-buoyant Jets in Still and Wave Environment". Final exam taken at Milan Technical University in front of National Exam Board Commission No. 251 - Department of University Teaching - Office V - Research Doctorates - headed by Prof. Enrico Marchi, University of Genoa (emeritus professor) and exam board comprising Prof. Aniello Russo Spena, University of L'Aquila and Prof. Carlo Modica, University of Catania. The comments made by the Commission were as follows: "Dr. Michele Mossa discussed a PhD thesis entitled Non-buoyant Jets in Still and Wave Environment. The research topic is original. The used methodologies are appropriate. The results are interesting and have been critically analysed. During the thesis presentation the candidate showed extensive knowledge of the reserach topic. The Commission unanimously approves the study and recommends conferring the title of PhD in Environmental Hydraulic Engineering to Dr. Michele Mossa" (National Exam Board Commission for Research Doctorates)
In light of the report of the National Exam Board Commission, the Ministry for Universities & Scientific and Technological Research conferred the title of Research Doctor (PhD) in Hydraulic Engineering for Local Environment and Territory.
1993: First place in public exam for Research Doctorate (PhD) in Hydraulic Engineering for the Environment and Land (session VIII) of the University of Calabria - Cosenza (administrative section), Polytechnic University of Bari, University of Basilicata and University of Salerno.

Winter Term 1992: Qualification for Professional Recognition as Engineer, final mark 140/140.
10/4/1992: Graduated cum laude in Civil Engineering (Hydraulics Section) at Polyechnic University of Bari, defending his thesis on "Velocity laws and flow resistance in conduits with non-circular sections".
17/7/1985: Passed final high school exams with final mark of 60/60, winner of Prof. Mario Contento scholarship and Giovanni Armenise scholarship "in recognition of brilliant school performance and excellent final exam results" (Matura of 1985).

Stampa Stampa

Michele Mossa
Professor of Hydraulics at the
Polytechnic University of Bari
Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry
Via E. Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari - ITALY


Coastal Engineering Laboratory
Area Universitaria di Valenzano
Strada Provinciale
Valenzano - Casamassima, Km 3, 70010 Valenzano, BARI- ITALY