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Notice board and dates of the exams

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Next exam at Taranto


The students are kindly advised that the next examinations of Hydraulics (First Level Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, M.D. 270, 12 credits, Taranto), Fluid mechanics (Mechanical Engineering, M.D. 270, 6 credits, Taranto), Hydraulics (First Level Degree of Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Industrial Engineering, M.D. 509, 6 credits, Taranto), Hydraulics II (First Level Degree of Civil Engineering, M.D. 509, 6 credits, Taranto), Maritime Hydraulics (Second Level Degree of Environmental Engineering, M.D. 509, 6 credits, Taranto) and Elements of Maritime Hydraulics (Second Level Degree of Civil Engineering, M.D. 509, 3 credits, Taranto) will be held on:

13/12/2016 (only written test at 9:30)
19/12/2016 (only oral test at 9:30 for students who have to take only the oral test or for students who take the written test of the aforementioned date).

The students are kindly reminded that if they take the written test they must take the oral test only on the aforementioned date.

The students are also kindly reminded that the exams of Hydraulics and Hydraulics II are both written and oral, whereas the exams of Maritime Hydraulics and Elements of Maritime Hydraulics are only oral. The exam procedure and the detailed program of each course can be seen on the pages "Classes" of the present web site.

In order to take the exam the students of both MD 270 and MD 509 courses are required to enter for it from the Esse3 web site https://poliba.esse3.cineca.it, by one day before of the written test date. The students must be on time at the beginning of the test.

Stampa Stampa

Michele Mossa
Professor of Hydraulics at the
Polytechnic University of Bari
Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry
Via E. Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari - ITALY


Coastal Engineering Laboratory
Area Universitaria di Valenzano
Strada Provinciale
Valenzano - Casamassima, Km 3, 70010 Valenzano, BARI- ITALY