On 20th February 2014 at 15:00 atthe Historical Palace of the Apulian Aqueduct (Via Cognetti, 36 - Bari ) thebook "Hydraulics" by M. MossaandA.F.Petrillo was presented.
Welcome address Prof.Nicola Costantino Managing Director AQP
Presentations Prof. Carmelo Calò Carducci and Eng. Giuseppe Calò Carducci "The adventure of the Apulian aqueduct"
RosalindaPascucci "The water system andwater protection inPuglia"
Prof.Michele MossaandProf.AntonioF.Petrillo "Presentation of the book"
At the end there was a visit of the Historical Palace of the Apulian Aqueduct
POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF BARI DICATECh Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry
Via E. Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari - ITALY www.dicatech.poliba.it
LIC Coastal Engineering Laboratory Area Universitaria di Valenzano
Strada Provinciale
Valenzano - Casamassima, Km 3, 70010 Valenzano, BARI- ITALY www.poliba.it/lic