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Friday 07 December 2018

Passage of Cavour ship in the Navigable Channel


On 7 December 2018 there was the passage in the navigable channel of the flagship of our Navy, the Cavour. One of the largest naval units in the Italian fleet. The maneuver was rather delicate precisely because of these characteristics. Cavour will have to moor in Mar Piccolo to allow some necessary maintenance.
Therefore, there was the collaboration with the LIC - Coastal Engineering Laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Bari (chief scientific Prof. Michele Mossa), which provided the wind, current and wave data of the two oceanographic in Mar Piccolo and Mar Grande.
The ship is designed to combine fixed wing V/STOL and helicopter air operations, command and control operations and the transport of military or civil personnel and heavy vehicles. The 134 m (440 ft), 2,800 m2 (30,000 sq ft) hangar space can double as a vehicle hold capable of holding up to 24 main battle tanks (typically Ariete) or many more lighter vehicles (50 Dardo IFV, 100+ Iveco LMV), and is fitted aft with access ramps rated to 70 tons, as well as two elevators rated up to 30 tons for aircraft. Cavour can also operate as landing platform helicopter, accommodating heavy transport helicopters (AgustaWestland UH-101A ASH) and 325 marines (91 more, on option). The Cavour has a displacement of 27,900 tons but can reach more than 30,000 tons at full military capacity.
Cavour was laid down by Fincantieri in June 2001, and was launched from the Riva Trigoso shipyard in Sestri Levante, on 20 July 2004. Sea trials began in December 2006, and she was officially commissioned 27 March 2008. Full operational capability (FOC) was reached 10 June 2009.

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Michele Mossa
Professor of Hydraulics at the
Polytechnic University of Bari
Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry
Via E. Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari - ITALY


Coastal Engineering Laboratory
Area Universitaria di Valenzano
Strada Provinciale
Valenzano - Casamassima, Km 3, 70010 Valenzano, BARI- ITALY